A-Z Articles Index by First Author's Last Name |
Galdzicka M et al. A new gene, EVC2, is mutated in Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. Mol Genet Metab 2002 Dec;77(4):291-5. |
Gallagher RC et al. Folinic acid-responsive seizures are identical to pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy. Ann Neurol. 2009 May;65(5):550-6. |
Gallus, S et al. Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk in a network of case-control studies. Ann Oncol. 2007 Jan;18(1):40-4. Epub 2006 Oct 16. |
Gautam Naik, A Baby, Please. Blonde, Freckles - Hold the Colic, Wall St. J. (Feb. 12, 2009) |
Geller G et al. The role and impact of personal faith and religion among genetic service providers. 2009. AJMG p31-40. Published Online: Jan 23 2009 9:50AM DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.c.30193 |
Gibbons RJ and Higgs DR: Molecular-clinical spectrum of the ATR-X syndrome. Am J Med Genet 97(3):204-212, 2000. |
Gibbons RJ, McDowell TL, Raman S, O'Rourke DM, Garrick D, Ayyub H and Higgs DR: Mutations in ATRX encoding a SWI/SNF-like protein, cause diverse changes in the pattern of DNA methylation. Nature Genetics 24(4):368-371, 2000. |
Gillingham MB et al. Effect of optimal dietary therapy upon visual function in children with long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase and trifunctional protein deficiency. Mol Genetand Metab, 2005 Sep-Oct;86(1-2):124-33 |
Gillis LA et al., NIPBL Mutational Analysis in 120 Individuals with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and Evaluation of Genotype-Phenotype Correlations.Am J Hum Genet. 2004 Oct;75(4):610-23. Epub 2004 Aug 18. |
Gissen P, et al., Mutations in VPS33B, encoding a regulator of SNARE-dependent membrane fusion, cause arthrogryposis-renal dysfunction-cholestasis (ARC) syndrome, Nat Genet. 2004 Apr;36(4):400-4. |
Glaser RL et al. The paternal-age effect in Apert syndrome is due, in part, to the increased frequency of mutations in sperm. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Oct;73(4):939-47. Epub 2003 Jul 31 |
Gleicher N et al. Relevance of triple CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene to ovarian reserve. Reprod Biomed Online 2009; 19:385-390. |
Goh KI et al. The human disease network. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 22;104(21):8685-90. Epub 2007 May 14. |
Goldman RD et al. Accumulation of mutant lamin A causes progressive changes in nuclear architecture in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jun 15;101(24):8963-8. Epub 2004 Jun 7. |
Gonzalez E et al. The influence of CCL3L1 gene-containing segmental duplications on HIV-1/AIDS susceptibility. Science. 2005 Mar 4;307(5714):1434-40. Epub 2005 Jan 6. |
Gonzalez-Martinez D, et al. Anosmin-1 modulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 signalning in human gonadotropin-releasing hormone olfactory neuroblasts through a heparan sulfate-dependent mechanism. J Neurosci. 2004 Nov 17;24(46):10384-92. |
Goodman FR et al. (2002) A 117-kb Microdeletion Removing HOXD9-HOXD13 and EVX2 Causes Synpolydactyly. Am J Hum Genet 70:547-555. |
Goriely A et al. Evidence for selective advantage of pathogenic FGFR2 mutations in the male germ line. Science. 2003 Aug 1;301(5633):643-6. |
Gottlieb E & Tomlinson IP. Mitochondrial tumour suppressors: a genetic and biochemical update. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005 Nov;5(11):857-66. |
Grad LI and Lemire BD. Mitochondrial complex I mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans produce cytochrome c oxidase deficiency, oxidative stress and vitamin-responsive lactic acidosis. Hum Mol Gen, 2004 13 (3):303-314. |
Graham, KS et al.Abnormal categorization and perceptual learning in patients with hippocampal damage.J Neurosci. 2006 Jul 19;26(29):7547-54. |
Gratacos, M., et al. (2001) A polymorphic genomic duplication on human chromosome 15 is a susceptibility factor for panic and phobic disorders. Cell 106(3):367-379. |
Green RC et al. Disclosure of APOE genotype for risk of Alzheimer's disease. Reveal Study Group. NEJM 2009 July 16;361(3):245-54 |
reference 4 (Greenfield) |
Greenman C et al. Patterns of somatic mutation in human cancer genomes. Nature, 2007 Mar 8;446(7132): 153-158. |
Griffith E et al. Mutations in pericentrin cause Seckel syndrome with defective ATR-dependent DNA damage signaling. Nat Genet. 2008 Feb;40(2):232-6. Epub 2007 Dec 23. |
Gripp KW et al. HRAS mutation analysis in Costello syndrome: Genotype and phenotype correlation. Am J Med Genet A. 2006 Jan 1;140(1):1-7. |
Guy J et al. Reversal of neurological defects in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Science. 2007 Feb 23;315(5815):1143-7. Epub 2007 Feb 8. |
Guy J et al. A mouse Mecp2-null mutation causes neurological symptoms that mimic Rett syndrome. Nat Genet. 2001 Mar;27(3):322-6. |